
Samstag, 2. August 2014

Right in the crotch

You guys remember when I said I was happy with a girl? Well how do I say? We broke up after a little more than a month. It just didn't fit at all. I was wrong about her being the right one and so on.
At first I was truly happy, without a doubt. But with time came loneliness and a feeling I would call "boredom".
But there was one crucial thing I would not have been able to live with:
absolutely NO sex at all, maybe a little bit petting, but that would have been all.
And you know how I think about sex in a relationship, right? Yep, it's important for me.
I don't even count this month as a true relationship. Just a short love, nothing more, nothing less.

What does that exactly mean? Simple answer: I am single for 8 months now and I got the feeling I'll never find a girl again.
Life sucks, right?
Yeah, kinda